Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy Notice(VS = Venda Search)
(Effective Date: 01/09/2018)

Venda Search Ltd is a recruitment company that specialise in the Energy & Infrastructure sectors, as described on the website.  Venda Search offers recruitment services for permanent hiring and contract.

1. Who does this Privacy Notice protect?

This Privacy Notice protects individuals throughout the world who access our Websites or receive recruitment services from us.  In addition to candidates who are looking for a new or different job or career.  A Venda Search client is one of the following, a business that Venda Search has contracted with to provide recruitment services or is in the process of doing so, a business that VS may solicit with the intention of providing recruitment services or a business to whom VS may provide relevant energy market information.

2. What information will we collect?

Some of the data that we collect and receive from you is personal data which means that it is information that could personally identify you (“Personal Data” or “PII”).  The Personal Data that we may collect from all users of our Websites and users of our recruitment services may include any of the following:

    Contact details e.g. street address, email address, telephone number
    Work Experience
    Job Title
    Professional Certifications
    Education & Qualifications
    Career History
    Salary Range
    Right to work status \ citizenship
    Other information relevant to help us provide recruitment services
    References from past employers
    IP address

    For Contract Candidates Only (individuals who are employed by, consult with and/or own an entity recruited by VS to provide contract or temporary technical professional services to an VS client (or an VS client’s client)) In addition to the Personal Data listed above, VS may collect the following from you:

    Tax details and proof of payment and submission
    Commercial insurance information
    Bank and payment details.

    While this information may relate to your company or your employer rather than being your Personal Data, we have listed this information for transparency. If your provision of Personal Data to VS is necessary to enter into a contract with your company or your employer, your failure to provide us with accurate Personal Data may result in VS not being able to offer or render recruitment services to you, your company or your employer.